by | Jul 4, 2024 | Youth Fellowship | 0 comments

LYF With Jesus - July 5, 2024

This Week

  • Friday, July 5th – No LYF meeting. Deadline for Local Service Project sign up (May be cancelled if sign-ups are low)  
  • Sunday, July 7th – 9:45am Summer Sunday School “Good Sheep, Good Shepherd Study” in Chapel (A210); 11:25am Worship Service

Next Week 

  • Friday July 12th – Senior lesson by Samuel Zhao
  • Sunday July 14th – 9:45am Summer Sunday School in Chapel (A210); Root Cellar Mission Team send-off; 11:25am Worship Service. 


  • Friday July 19th – Mission trip testimony sharing time
  • Sunday July 21st – 9:45am Summer Sunday School in Chapel (A210)11:25am Worship Service. 

Service Opportunities:

  • Root Cellar Donations:
    We are collecting the following items to bring to Root Cellar ministry
    New or used skateboards, bikes, scooters, bike helmets, sports balls, chalk, bubbles, face paint, pencils and pens (sharpened, preferred!), spiral or composition notebooks, 1 or 1.5-inch binders, socks, and swimming shorts.
    Bring them to church, put them in the GIFT room by 7/12
  • Local Service Project (LSP) – 8/14 Wednesday & 8/15 Thursday
    If you would like to join LSP, please sign up by 7/5 Friday
    LSP Sign-up sheet