Time: Sunday 9:45am-11am, February to June 2023. 

The first Sunday of each month is a joint youth prayer meeting in the LYF room (A105/107). We have six youth Sunday school classes on other Sundays 

Fall Class Subject Teacher Class Room
7th Grade New Testament survey Yiwen Zhang A215
8th Grade Discipleship Essentials Vivian Gillis A213
9th Grade The progress of Redemption Rick He A209
10th Grade Christian Ethics Huadong Sun A201A
11th Grade Tough questions about Christianity Charlene Liang  GIFT(A102/4)
12th Grade How to defend our Christian faith Caleb Cheng


Class objectives

  1. NT Survey (7th grade)
    • To recognize the NT books of the Bible
    • To understand the content of the Bible in terms of its themes
    • To  see the one picture of the Bible in terms of the revelation of God in the redemption plan
  1. Discipleship Essentials (8th grade)
    • To help students understand the basics of what it means to follow Christ
    • To help students apply Christian thinking to different areas of life
    • To help students develop a devotional life so that they can grow in Christ on their own.
  1. The progress of Redemption (9th grade)
    • To comprehensively understand the whole picture of the plan of redemption from Creation of Revelation
    • To walk through the Bible from the perspective of redemption
    • To understand the progressive special revelation in redemption through the history of the Bible
  1. Christian Ethics (10th)
    • To expose and discuss the social issues surrounding our youth in the 21st-century postmodern world with biblical principles
    • To assure the youth how Christians shall live out the faith to be the light and salt to the world
    • To strengthen our youth with confidence through biblical support to all social issues
  1. The Controversial Issues and tough questions about Christianity (11th)
    • To deep study some controversial issues and some tough answered questions that Christians may encounter in their life
    • To have our youth open their mind to understand the characters of God through the controversial issues
    • To humble our youth in the process of knowing God with our limited knowledge and wisdom while facing the controversial and tough issues
  1. How to defend our Christian faith (12th)
    • To teach our youth logical and critical thinking to defend their faith
    • To strengthen our youth with confidence in their faith by assuring them that they are convicted
    • To deepen the biblical foundation in faith