Dear Prayer Warriors for TMT2024,
This is the day! Our day of finale. Due to the many action items that worth our sharing, this is our Part 1 for today covering all things up to the conclusion of our AM teaching. The team could use a good night sleep after the PM party, which was a huge success – please stay tuned for that Part 2.
Our day started with Zee leading the morning devotion on Romans 8:35-39, which had reminded us that no one or nothing could separate us from the love of Christ. Hardship was mentioned as Zee and Lucas was “forced by their airline” to leave prematurely and that we’ve had multiple team members going through quite serious medical conditions – thank God that they all received timely and effective treatments – the easy accessibility and affordability of Taiwan’s medical care is truly amazing. We are also extremely thankful for our hosts who had tirelessly brought our sick to see doctors as far as in 田中 Tianzhong. This included Angelina’s diagnosis of enterovirus infection today (she was pictured giving a two-thumbs-up to the school nurse after returning from her doctor’s visit).
Our final AM sessions reached its climate when all students got to experience their 5th and last classroom (pictured). The team blessed Zee and Lucas goodbye after their finished their last session of teaching – from the last pic that Yong took of Lucas teaching to him riding away, there was less than a minute! This is how dedicated he was!
From the survey forms that the students returned to us, we were showered with their positive feedbacks and strong enthusiasm in next year! (An example pictured) This is the best prize that we could ever dream of! God had done His work through us – He is a great God!
We’ve also completed another meaningful task today, which is for the youth to write personal notes to our students, using the beautiful 4-season cards that Yong had prepared. Yong worked with Jian 邵建 and ESJH English Teacher James Shaw (pictured) to have all the English notes translated into traditional Chinese – its our prayers that our love expressed in the cards not only were well received by the students, but also by Teacher James!
We’ve also completed another important task, which is for Yiping Shimu to write on the back of Abby’s artwork for keepsake, what a blessing! (pictured)
Finally, the parents got to visit Headmaster Wu’s office as a group, as planned. We showered him with shoutouts, thanksgiving, and supports (pictured). Both sides were greatly aligned for future collaborations aiming for better coverages (PM sessions and two grades).
1. A perfect last day in the classroom
2. Perfect concluding gestures including personal notes and visit with the headmaster
3. Team member receiving timely and effective medical cares!
1. All team members have a good rest – the high-energy party was physically exhausting!
2. Team unity and reconciliation for some imperfections in today’s operations, esp during the PM.
3. A fun and safe group outing to Sun-Moon Lake tomorrow.
4. ESJH students cherishing the memories with us and inspired to seek Christianity.
Thomas, Aliza, Ethan, Max and Yong