LYF This Week (1/11/23)

Regular announcements: Wednesday: There IS Prayer Meeting on the discord 8pm sharp! SEE YOU THERE Friday: There IS regular LYF this Friday starting 7:30pm! We are having a chill game night! Please join us! Invite your friends! Come fellowship with us!! Sunday: There...

LYF This Week (1/4/23)

Regular announcements: *Happy New Year!!!! Let’s get back into LYF!!! Wednesday: There IS Prayer Meeting on the discord 8pm sharp! SEE YOU THERE Friday: There IS regular LYF this Friday starting 7:30pm! We are ending our lesson series “Who is Jesus?”...

LYF This Week (12/21/22)

Regular announcements: ***These are announcements for this and next week as Minister Jeremy will be on vacation next week*** This week: Wednesday: There is  Prayer Meeting on the discord 8pm sharp! Friday: There is NO LYF this Friday  Saturday: There is a CrossPoint...

LYF This Week (12/13/2022)

Regular announcements: Wednesday: There is  Prayer Meeting on the discord 8pm sharp! Friday: We will begin our Friday night fellowship 30 min early with a big dinner at 7pm!!!! Invite your friends to join us! Charles will likely be making stir-fried noodles! Minister...

LYF This Week (12/7/22)

Wednesday: – There is  Prayer Meeting on the discord 8pm sharp! Friday: – There is regular LYF this week Sunday: – There is normal Sunday school at 9:45-11am!   –Join us for service after in the main sanctuary! Pastor Raymond Lee will be preaching!  – Regular Sunday...