CBCGL EM Update 05/01/2020

Greetings, dear EM family, I pray that this email finds you well. The number of coronavirus cases in Massachusetts continues to climb. Government Baker today has announced a statewide face-covering order for certain public places where keeping a social distance is not...

CBCGL EM Update 04/24/2020

I pray that you are safe and sound physically and spiritually in the high peak of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The past Wednesday (April  22) was designated as the Earth Day. It was first established 50 years ago on April 20, 1970, to raise the awareness of...

CBCGL EM Update 04/10/2020

Greetings EM family, I pray that you are doing well physically and spiritually. Today is Maundy Thursday, traditionally is the day that Jesus ate the Last Supper with his disciples. For Jewish who observed Passover, this was also the Passover feast that Jesus had with...

CBCGL EM Update 04/03/2020

Greetings EM family, I pray that you are doing well physically and spiritually.   This coming Sunday is the Palm Sunday. It marks the day of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem humbly and in peace on a donkey, instead of on a horse as a war-waging king....

CBCGL EM Update 03/27/2020

Greetings EM family, I pray that you are doing well physically and spiritually. Today is a beautiful sunny day; if you haven’t noticed, the temperature is already in the upper 50s and low 60s in some areas. If you have a chance, go out and soak up some Vitamin...