Nov 24, 2023 | Announcement, CrossPoint Community Ministry, FrontPage-News
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This week, it’s just the announcements. Stay up to date on what is going on with CrossPoint Community. Please share your feedback regarding Minister Kim. Let the Youth Minister search committee know what you think via the...
Nov 17, 2023 | Announcement, CrossPoint Community Ministry, FrontPage-News
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we heard during this past Sunday’s service, there are so many benefits to gratitude, to giving thanks, to having a heart that overflows with thanksgiving. What is it that you are thankful for? I give thanks for you!...
Nov 10, 2023 | Announcement, CrossPoint Community Ministry, FrontPage-News
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, November in our church is a time for preparation and anticipation. For example, I am preparing for Christmas services and Advent messages. Just this past weekend, CBCGL had its Church Council retreat and Church Council meeting –...
Nov 3, 2023 | Announcement, CrossPoint Community Ministry, FrontPage-News
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This week, I’ve been privileged to be part of the Ockenga Fellows Program talking about the topic of Race Relations. One of our speakers, this morning, was Dr. George Yancey. He is a professor of sociology at Baylor...
Oct 27, 2023 | Announcement, CrossPoint Community Ministry, FrontPage-News
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, To be clear, CBCGL does not endorse Halloween as a holiday, nor do we support the pagan and demonic history of the event. Rather, in the hope of reclaiming the culture for Christ, we are seeking to use Halloween as an...
Oct 20, 2023 | Announcement, CrossPoint Community Ministry, FrontPage-News
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Once again, we have a number of announcements for you. We want you to be involved. We want you to know the resources you have available to you. First, on Sunday, October 15, we had a training by the Gideons International...