May 16, 2021 CBCGL Ladies Fellowship

Were there times you were a bit too frustrated, angry, tired, depressed, overwhelmed, or insecure to come before God? Or you found yourself can’t praise God? Or there might be time you found yourself doubting God in your prayers? You are not alone; We all...

Happy Mother’s Day!

“The Lord bless you    and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you    and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you    and give you peace.” Happy Mother’s Day to all Beloved Mothers and Mom-to-be!

CBCGL EM News 05/07/2021

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Here’s a little sermon preview for Mother’s Day (May 9): “What are you preparing for? Are you preparing anything special for Mother’s Day? I know that some people here are preparing for graduation! They have completed the work and are...

CBCGL EM News 04/30/2021

Our God cares about the nations. He has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world (1 John 4:14), not just the Savior of you and me. God’s name is to be made great among the nations (cf. Psalm 67). One of the Sunday schools in the English Ministry is discussing World...

CBCGL EM News 04/23/2021

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Join us on Sunday afternoon, April 25th, from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm for the State of the Church meeting. We will meet online, via the zoom link – which was sent to you by Elder Xie on April 22. This is one of two times annually that we...