CBCGL EM Update 03/06/2020

Greeting EM family, May the grace and peace from our Lord Christ Jesus be with you!   So, how do we overcome contentment? “Huh?” You might ask, isn’t contentment a good thing? Is it alright to feel discontent while by the side of our Lord?   PC: by Kalen...

CBCGL EM Update 02/28/2020

Greeting EM family, I hope this email finds you well. The past Wednesday is Ash Wednesday.  It means that we are less than six weeks away from Easter! You probably saw a lot of people having a marking of an ash cross on their forehead on the past Wednesday. Ash...

CBCGL EM Update 02/14/2020

  Greetings EM family,   Today is St. Valentine’s Day.  Wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day! Not knowing enough of the origin of this day in history I was surprised to find the first day of this tradition was announced by Pope Gelasius back in 496 AD....

CBCGL EM News 01/31/2020

SN1PR16MB231884D8C0B2EE30D9F6C8D4E2070@SN1PR16MB2318.namprd16.prod.outlook.com”> Greetings Brothers and Sisters in the EM family   One of the sad things last week was the unexpected passing of Kobe Bryant after his helicopter crashed. While searching for...