LYF This Week (7/20/22)

 Friday:This Friday we have regular Summer LYF! SEE YOU THERE!Sunday:We have Summer Sunday school all together in the LYF room!Come join us for worship after in the main Sanctuary! Pastor Nathan will preach! Next week:SYSP is NEXT WEEK! We start Sunday night! GET...

LYF This Week (7/6/22)

Wednesday:We have Prayer Meeting on the discord! 8pm-9pm! TONIGHT!Friday:This Friday will be our 7th grade welcome! COME AND CELEBRATE OUR NEW 7TH GRADE CLASS! COME ON TIME! WE START AT 7:30 (show up before we start!)Sunday:We have Summer Sunday school all together in...

LYF This Week (6/29/22)

Wednesday: We have Prayer Meeting on the discord! 8pm-9pm! TONIGHT! Friday: This Friday there NO LYF due to July 4th weekend.  DO NOT COME TO CHURCH! Come back next week! Sunday: We have first Sunday prayer in the LYF room! Come join us for worship after in...

LYF This Week (6/22/22)

Wednesday: We have Prayer Meeting on the discord! 8pm-9pm! TONIGHT Friday: This Friday we are continuing SUMMER LYF! With a large group lesson led by Christine Yuan!  COME JOIN US!!***Next week there is no LYF due to July 4th weekend Sunday: We have normal Sunday...

LYF This Week (6/15/22)

Wednesday: We have Prayer Meeting on the discord! 8pm-9pm! TONIGHT Friday: This Friday we begin our summer schedule: Having an extended game time for fellowship, and focusing on large group lessons instead of small group discussion! COME JOIN US THIS FRIDAY! Minister...

LYF This Week (6/7/22)

Wednesday: We have Prayer Meeting on the discord! 8pm-9pm! Friday: This Friday we begin our summer schedule: Having an extended game time for fellowship, and focusing on large group lessons instead of small group discussion! COME JOIN US THIS FRIDAY! Minister Jeremy...