LYF News – July 19, 2024

Short Term Mission Sharing this Friday 7:30pm-9:30 pm The Root Cellar Mission Team finished their service and have returned this Friday. Some members from the TMT have also returned. They will share their testimonies tonight! Come hear what God has done in and through...

TMT 2024 – Day 9 – 7/13/2024

親愛的TMT2024代禱勇士:謝謝你們一直的關注。今天周六早上大家集合晨更時,非常的準時, Aaron和大家分享哥林多前書第15章56-58節提醒大家務要堅固,不可動搖,時時要做主工。送早餐時,吳校長第一次攜夫人來和我們會面,親睹我們在安靜讀經禱告,但願福音種子播下。會後曉如一家和大家惜別,去參加家族婚宴。我們今天的日月潭之行如圖,大家自費組團。8:00am大家出發,...