CrossPoint Community News 06/07/2024

by | Jun 7, 2024 | Announcement, CrossPoint Community Ministry, FrontPage-News | 0 comments

Brothers and Sisters in Christ of CPC,   
       Now that we have a “new” Senior Pastor does anything change? Well, one thing that could change is how you feel about the future of the church. My hope is that you are more hopeful, not because we now have a senior pastor, but because you’ve seen the Lord answer the prayers brothers and sisters have been praying since April 2018 for God to raise up a Senior Pastor for CBCGL.  
       One thing that I hope changes is that you would be praying for our Senior Pastor more regularly, more consistently, more Scripturally. Pray more regularly for Pastor Sean Lee. Include him in your prayers for pastoral staff (including me). Pray that God would work in and through Sean to help lead and guide CBCGL into and through what God has for us next. We are making connections with our community and attempting to make more (so invite your friends and neighbors to the block party on June 15!). We also are hopeful that God would help CrossPoint Community to grow in numbers and to grow in depth / maturity. Pray that God would do greater things in and through CPC for his glory in CBCGL, in Chelmsford, in MA, in this country, and in this world. 
       Please also pray Scripturally – use the prayers of Philippians 1 or Ephesians 1 to pray for brothers and sisters at CBCGL including church leaders. For example, ask God that our love would abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight so that we may be able to discern what is best and be pure and blameless until the day of Christ. 
       Pray also for yourself – to join in what God wants to do in and through CBCGL. May we not be passive recipients of grace, but may God grant that we are actively seeking to be those who experience God’s grace and who help others to know God’s goodness and grace. 
Please continue to pray for the nations of Israel and Ukraine. Pray that the wars would end. Here is a suggested list of prayers if you are at a loss for words in how to pray: And Thank you for kneeling on behalf of the people of Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Gaza and taking a stand (or a knee in prayer) against the forces of darkness in this present age. 

This Week (June 7-13, 2024):

1. Tonight, June 7, 2024, the Living Stones Friday Night Bible Study is meeting from 7:30-9:30 to study the Death of Jesus. You can read Luke 23:32-56 to prepare in advance. Join in person in Room A-218 or online via the following link at 7:30 pm:
Meeting ID: 685 376 249   
Password: 840840   
Join by phone:  +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

Empower Fellowship (A201A) and the Grace Ambassador Bible Study (A216) will also be meeting!

2. The Living Stones Sunday School and Grace Ambassadors /Empower Sunday School are meeting this Sunday. The Grace Ambassadors / Empower Fellowship will be learning how to do better personal study of the Bible through a study in the Psalms. The Living Stones will be wrapping up their study of the Overview of the NT in the Koinonia Room (A-216). They will use the following link for those who wish to join online this Sunday: 
Meeting ID: 491 248 585 
Password: 403767 
Join by phone: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) 

3. This Sunday, June 9, 2024, at 11:25 am, our CrossPoint Community Worship Service will start and Pastor Nathan Willems will be preaching. Pray for him! Join us for worship at CBCGL!

Text: Genesis 23
Title: Abraham’s Land
Live stream via Youtube:

4. Each Wednesday, such as this week (June 12) at 7:45 pm, you are invited, encouraged, and requested to join our weekly prayer meeting. We will not grow in Christ without growing in our dependence on God through prayer. In May, we’re making time for corporate confession. The link is found below in the section on prayer.

Administration / Events

1. We have a missions update (so check out the missions tab in the bulletin)! You can provide support for James Liang (at UConn), or pray for Chris and Emily who are serving in Japan. They are still making progress in language acquisition as they have begun serving in the church and filling new roles for their missions organization, all while raising two growing boys! Pray for them!

2. Sunday Lunch Service is available at CBCGL with $5 lunches that are first-come, first-served. Lunch service ends on June 16th and will resume again in September.

3. Beginning June 16 to August 25 – CPC will have a combined Sunday School discussing Christian Civility. If you don’t know what that is, come and learn! And if you do know what that is, come and practice it!

4. Elder Wu will be celebrating the completion of his Masters of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary on Saturday. You can find the link to the graduation service in the e-mail he sent. Also, this weekend, our former Kids Ministry Minister Tom Chow is being ordained in his church in Seattle. Praise God for granting both continued growth in Christlikeness and obedience to the Lord’s call!

5. All other announcements can be found here (in our CrossPoint Community bulletin).

For Prayer:

1. From Bishop J.C. Ryle – “To be prayerless is to be Christless, Godless, and in the high road to destruction…It will always be found that when prayers are few, grace, strength, peace, and hope are small.” Please join our Wednesday night prayer meeting (7:45 – 9:15 pm) even if you can’t participate the whole time.
Meeting ID: 758 587 937
Password: 030086
Join by phone: +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

2. We’d be glad to pray for you. If you need prayer, you can submit your prayer request via the following link:

In Christ, your servant, SDG,
Rev. Dr. Nathan Willems
Associate Pastor of CrossPoint Community – A Ministry of CBCGL