Welcome to Costa Rica! We arrived yesterday and were greeted by the pastor and a couple of church members. After we got settled, we took some time to watch the World Cup (which is really big here). In the afternoon we got an orientation to the week and then to Liberia.
Today (Sunday) we worshipped with the church (and even turned off the overtime World Cup match which was on). An old friend, Abby Valverde, translated as Charles preached and Anthony shared his testimony. In the afternoon, we played some games and took in more football while we prepared some materials for doing evangelistic outreach. In the evening, we walked to a field which we will clear on Wednesday and invited the neighbors to join us in the work as well as for the football match we will play afterwards.
This is my third time in Liberia with a team from CBCGL. There are many similarities like the gallo pinto for breakfast and the singing along with a YouTube playlist. But there are also many differences. We are staying in the nicest facilities I’ve had here. We are also working hard at communicating since our main translators are Anthony and Emily and a young lady named Pamela who has studied English for about a month in college (and translation software). We also met a group of students from a different church who helped us invite people for the work on Wednesday.
Pray for us! We need more boldness, more clear communication, and more intentionality in stepping out of our comfort zones to be the missionaries God has called us to be. No major problems with health – Praise God!
Finally, Thank you for your support! The church here is grateful for our presence which wouldn’t have happened with your prayers and financial assistance.
In Christ, your servant, SDG,
Nathan Willem