¡Hola! ¡Saludos de Costa Rica!
Today was our second full day of awesomeness here in beautiful Liberia. Our focus today was on evangelism, and so we spent our days work on that goal. Again, we started our day with a devotional led by yours truly, followed by breakfast at 8. During this time we watched the Mexico vs. Brazil World Cup game (Brazil won). While watching, we finished up writing invitations to the church that we would later pass out. We had to wait until after the game ended to begin going out, because if we went out during the game everyone would be watching and no one would answer the door.
After the game, we met a new group of three high school students: Michelle, Valerie, and Diana. who joined us for evangelism, along with the members of the other church. The three students were a big help, as they have been studying English in school and could translate fairly well for us. It all works out because we need to practice our Spanish while they need to practice their English.
We took time to do introductions, and then split into groups. Each group had at least one translator who would make sure we could communicate. We then went house to house in the neighborhood handing out Bibles and invitations to come to the church. Then, we returned for lunch and then made some wooden crosses which we then handed out at a nearby bus stop. We went up to the people waiting and gave them crosses and Bible verses. After, we did some shopping and went to get cash from the bank. This was a very good experience for us and during debrief everyone shared about how receptive the people were when we went to their houses.
Finally, at night we had time to relax and play games with our hosts. We enjoyed an amazing dinner of rice and soup and ended the night with a movie.
Please continue to pray for us as we interact with the people in the community. Pray for confidence to evangelize and for good attitudes, and please pray for continued health and wellness.
Thanks for your continued prayer and can’t wait to share how God is working the rest of the week!