In a few weeks we begin a new Fall season of LYF small groups on Fridays. I’m happy to introduce to you 2 new Shepherds who will care for our youth on Friday nights in addition to our veteran counselors. Terrian Xiao is a former Lyfer and LYTE team member who is back in the area for work. He has enthusiastically volunteered to serve the youth. Yiwen Zhang has been serving in the Sunday school ministry. She has enough energy to also be a shepherd on Fridays. Please pray for our new counselors that they may shepherd the youth to be good sheep and shepherd of Jesus.

This Week:
Friday, August 23rd 7:30-9:30 pm
- Lesson: Jesus the Savior King!
- First Fall Retreat preparation meeting. Youth must attend 2 prayer meeting or send in 2 prayers to Min. Jin in order to be part of the preparation team.
Sunday, August 25th
- 9:45 am-11:15 am Last Summer Sunday School “Good Sheep, Good Shepherd” lessons in the chapel (Room A210)
- 11:25 am-12:30 pm – Sunday Worship
- 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm – LYTE Team meeting at Minister Jin’s house.
Next Week:
Wednesday, Aug. 28, 7:30 pm Youth Prayer Meeting by Zoom. Contact Min. Jin if you’d like to attend (
Friday, August 30 No LYF – Memorial Day Weekend. Enjoy before school starts!
Sunday, Sept. 1st
- 9:45 am-11:15 am First Sunday Prayer Meeting
- 11:25 am – 12:30 pm – Sunday Worship