The Root Cellar STM – Day 3 – 7/17/2024

by | Jul 18, 2024 | CrossPoint Community Ministry, STM, TRCM 2024, Youth Fellowship | 0 comments

7/17/2024 RCMT, Lewiston, ME
From Group 3 (Alan, Edward, Arron, Alice, Tara, Lillian), prepared by Edward

On our third day of root cellar, we once again woke up at 7:00am for breakfast. After eating some French toast, we listened to Joel (Program Executive Director), the director of both Root Cellars in Lewiston and Portland, talk about the similarities and differences between Christians and Muslims. We discussed how our beliefs and interpretations of scripture and “the Son of God” were different due to cultural and societal disparities. Ultimately, Joel ended his discussion by encouraging us to focus on our similarities instead of what separates us to connect with each other.
After this, we went on a walk around downtown Lewiston and we explored Kennedy Park. We even got to try some sambusa, which is a Middle Eastern samosa.
During Super Summer, we started off with a game that helped the kids to better understand Asian geography by showing the kids a location and having them pinpoint that spot on a map. Next, each team made a boat out of cardboard and duct tape that we would use to compete. We then completed a book craft where each of the kids made a short paper book about the parable of the Hidden Treasure. Finally, to end Super Summer, the kids each participated in an elective of their choice; their options were basketball, jewelry, guitar, computer games, dance, cooking, and fitness. Each one kept the kids busy and allowed for a lot of one-on-one time between the kids and the counselors.
After Super Summer, we had our usual sharing time and debrief of the day. One aspect of improvement that we realized we needed to make was to really engage better with the kids. To end off the day, the mission team enjoyed some ice cream at a local shop and then headed to a lake house where we enjoyed some time talking with each other. We also started a fire and then prayed for Sam as it was his 18th birthday today.
Reflecting on the day, it was yet another successful time spent with the children and with each other. The company was very nice but we recognized our need for more engagement with the children.
We would like to ask you all to pray for energy tomorrow as we have our last day with the kids, making sure that we can glorify and honor His name through our work.

來自第3組(Alan, Edward, Arron, Alice, Tara, Lillian)

在我們參加RCMT的第三天,我們早上7點醒來吃早餐。吃了一些法式吐司後,我們聽了Joel (项目执行主任)的講話,他是Lewiston和Portland 兩個RC地區的負責人。他談到了基督徒和穆斯林之間的相似點和不同點。我們討論了由於文化和社會差異導致的信仰和對“上帝之子”的經文解釋的不同。最終,Joel鼓勵我們關注彼此的相似點而不是分歧,以便更好地聯繫在一起。