TMT 2024 – Day 10 – 7/14/2024

by | Jul 15, 2024 | CrossPoint Community Ministry, STM, TMT 2024, Youth Fellowship | 0 comments

Dear all, two essays below one from the youth another from Zuwei, please enjoy both. Group pics were not processed yet – my apologies. Thank you, yong

Dear Prayer Warriors for TMT 2024,

Thank you so much for following along with our journey and supporting us! This is Rachel, Angelina, and Max for the daily update 😀 Today is Sunday and our last full day in Ershui. Four big action items: Elder Chiu house for breakfast, Sunday service at ErShui PC, shopping at 大潤發at 員林, and then the Lukang tour!

Our day started super early with a devotion led by Pastor Ziyi at 6:45 AM. We meditated on 1 Peter 2: 2-3 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. Ps Ziyi encouraged us to cling on to God’s words more, now that we’ve experienced God’s provision and blessing in this STM

We walked to Yuanquan station to catch the 7:45train for the next stop, which is ErShui station 5 mins away. The commuter train is very modern and welcoming and we’ve got to experience the community in a very special way. For one thing, people identified Ps Ziyi on the street! For another, we saw the water adduct runs through the town and right by  the ErShui PC.

We were warmly received by Elder and Mrs Chiu and their Son David at David’s Workshop and Restaurant, a family business named after the son – how cute. We enjoyed a delicious meal of fresh fruits like mangoes and dragonfruit as well as scallion pancakes and noodles. We were so grateful for Elder Chiu’s hospitality and numerous help throughout the week!  May our Lord bless their service in His name.

The ErShui PC is just on the other side of the ally! We were warmly welcomed by their congregation who conducted the service in Taiwanese. It was a privilege to be able to experience their Sunday routine in their local language. We were invited to perform two songs, Peace Like a River and  雲上太陽 (The Sun Above the Clouds), both were very well received.

We concluded the church visit with some group pictures before we stepped out to wait for our bus at a 7-Eleven down the street. Some parents mingled with the locals in the shop explaining why we were there! The parents/grandparents thanked us for coming to teaching their kids English and invited us to come again! What a great encouragement – God is at work!

We then drove to a shopping center in Yuanlin 員林 for lunch and to explore! We split off into smaller groups to explore all three floors it had to offer, including two food floors and a whole supermarket. It was an exciting way to spend time together (especially for the teenagers) before our busy afternoon sightseeing.

At 3:00 PM, we started a tour at Lukang, visiting places like a Taiwanese temple and many streets filled with local shops. It was super, super hot, but we still had a good time! We got to visit a store (獅公館)dedicated to lion dancing masks by Yong’s recommendation; it was really intriguing to learn about all the nuances that go into making a mask.

Finally, we arrived at a night market after walking around town for two hours. We split off again to sample the food from the various food stands and indulge in the tiny markets with lots of cute items. Our haul included a humongous stuffed goose that Angelina bought and a couple of capybaras (lol). We regrouped at 6:10 to return to Ershui Junior High School (二水國中) and enjoyed a very enthralling movie on the bus where people crashed cars off of cliffs and through buildings. Our night was concluded by a massive cleanup of all the areas on campus that we’ve used for the past 10 days, including the classrooms, the kitchen, the meeting room, the bathrooms, and our dorms.

Overall, we were very grateful to have such a wonderful day to cap off our stay in Ershui! It was a great way to get one last glimpse into the culture here before we make our way back to Boston. Though we will miss all the new connections we made here, we still hope to be able to make it back home safely.

We are very thankful for this opportunity, for all the time that we got to spend here. It is thanks to your support that we have been able to have so many good times to write about and remember fondly. Hopefully, we will be able to come again next year 😀

 1.  A successful week of teaching English and bonding with the students
 2.  Safety throughout the week both at school and the afternoon activities
 3.  Beautiful weather and amazing time spent with the Ershui students and the RenLun youth on Friday (Yong’s note: Sorry but Friday Part 2 is yet to come – it’s simply too invaluable to write it off in a rush. But we promise you it’s coming soon)

Prayer requests:
 1.  Saying goodbye to ErShui JH tomorrow morning
 2.  Team members’ travels to Taoyuan or other locations tomorrow Monday by charter bus or train.
 3.  Smooth transfers in Seattle for those who are taking Delta.
 4.  Followup with ErShui JH about the students’ Exit Survey asap.

Thank you!!

~ Angelina, Max, Rachel
(Edited by Yong)

Below was contributed by


7月14日:今天是主日,也是 TMT在台灣集體活動的最後一天。團隊步行15分鐘從二水國中到達附近的源泉普通鐵路站,乘坐鐵路5分鐘到達二水鄉鎮中心的二水站。然後步行10分鐘至邱長老的設計精美的日式小餐館用早餐,並與長老和邱師母有很好的交談。TMT成員們借此機會瞭解台灣城鎮地區的教會情況。


團隊成員們在牧師講道後獻上兩首敬拜歌曲,一首英文歌曲peace like a river, 一首為中文歌曲【雲上太陽】。第二首歌曲很明顯也是台灣教會所流行的,會眾們很友好的打起拍子。隨後的自由交流時間成員們與教會牧師和牧長以及會眾多有交流,瞭解了更多教會的情況。教會有一些年輕會員,但總體面臨老齡化的問題。這應該與教會地處工作機會較少的地區有關。



